Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lanscape Photography - Part One

Once again, the Digital Photography class has been asked to work in a series - this time, in conjunction with our own exploration of landscape photography we will be reviewing the work of those working in the genre.

Winter Sunrise, from Lone Pine by Ansel Adams

What can one say about Ansel Adams that has not been said before?  The man was a master of landscape photography, and is probably the best known photographer of our times.  It is easy to see where his fame comes from, as his images are simply gorgeous.  His Zone System ensured that he got the best tonal ranges possible, which is one of my favorite things to see in a black and white image.  Granted, I do tend to like contrasty images... However, I like to have small areas where grey tones make themselves known.  Also, I like the peaceful, very still feeling that most of Ansel Adams' work evokes.  It is very beautiful and calming to observe.

Bernheim Arboretum, Kentucky (4-08-24c-8), 2008 by Lynn Geesaman

I find this work, like much of Lynn Geesaman's photographs, incredibly inspirational.  The technique gives the photograph a very painterly feel, lending the landscape a very romantic air.  It honestly reminds me of some of my favorite paintings by Waterhouse.  The whole scene seems to glow from within, making this a vibrant and captivating piece.  I would like to try something similar with my own landscape photographs, but I would like to find a process that is original.  I know that this is a difficult task, but I have the right to dream.

-Kelly F.

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