Thursday, December 8, 2011

Still Life Photography - Part One

In this three-part blog, our class has been asked to post 18 Still Life images over the course of three weeks, all from the work of the following photographers: Irving Penn, Edward Weston, Jan Groover, Olivia Parker, Zeke Berman, Patrick Nagatani, Ruth Thorne Thomsen, and Sandy Skoglund.  As far as I can tell, we were not asked to write aout why we chose them, but rather to simply post them.  Going along with the theory that a picture is worth a thousand words, I will allow these photographer's works to speak for themselves.

Irving Penn:

Ballet Theater, New York 1947

Ballet Society, New York 1948

Edward Weston:

Lake Tenaya, 1937

 Oceano, 1936

Jan Groover:

Untitled, 1987

More from Jan Groover next time...

-Kelly F.

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